Use clean transportation and save the earth!

Transportation is a leading source of climate change.

Take one of these actions and protect your future!



  • Clean transportation is good for our health and the environment

  • Driving less can reduce pollution in the air we breathe

  • Using electric vehicles reduces carbon emissions

  • Clean vehicles will save you money, wear and tear

  • Reducing our use of fossil fuels helps fight climate change


Read up on clean transportation.


Transportation is the largest source of emissions by Bay Area households.

Here are some local resources that can help you use clean transportation in Marin and the Bay Area.

Bay Area

Marin & North Bay

This listing focuses on Marin and nearby counties at this time. More locations coming soon.


This page was created by members of the Green Change Network. Thanks to all our contributors!

Editors: Fabrice Florin, Tom Flynn, Al Grumet, Marilyn Price

Researchers: Wendi Kallins, Kristina Malsberger, Veronica Medina

Photos: Fabrice Florin, Marin Transit, Peter Oppenheimer, Safe Routes to School, TAM, The New Wheel

Video: World Bank

To contribute more info or report an error, please email us. We will update this page periodically, based on your feedback.

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