Climate Heroes is a series of videos about green coaches, young activists, environmentalists, business and community leaders, artists and inventors.
To inspire people to go green, we feature local heroes who are leading by example and helping others to take climate action.
People like climate action coach Tamra Peters at Resilient Neighborhoods, who helped over a thousand Marin residents reduce their carbon footprint.  
Or young climate activists Lucy London and Kelley Tillman at Novato High School, who are inspiring climate action through art, music and politics.
Our short videos will show these heroes in action, discuss their projects, share how-to tips and invite you to follow their lead, with links to sites where you can take climate action.  

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Climate Heroes aims to inspire people to take climate action.
Our videos introduce viewers to role models they can relate to, showing them practical actions they can take, then inviting them to get involved.

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Here are the first video stories we’re producing for this series:
We will post these first stories here in coming weeks, and ask for feedback on what other stories to produce.

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Stories will be edited in different formats:
  • short 5-10 second teasers with music and titles
  • short 1 minute newsreels with music and titles
  • short 2 minute stories with quick sound bites
  • long 3-5 minute profiles with how-to tips
All videos will end with:
  • a tagline reminding them that “This could be you”,
  • a specific call to action (e.g. “Go Deep Green” or “Use less plastic”)
  • a link to a page or site that can help them take that action.
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We will publish our video stories on the web and through social media, both on partner sites and on our own channels.
Our videos will be shared on these networks:
  • Facebook – to reach a broad audience
  • Instagram – to reach youth and a broad audience
  • Nextdoor – to reach people at the neighborhood level
  • Twitter – to reach activists, nonprofits and a broad audience
  • Vimeo – mostly used as a repository for videos we create ourselves
  • YouTube – to reach everyone, especially youth
We will also publish our videos on different websites:
  • – our climate action network
  • – special site for Climate Heroes
  • Partner Sites – we share all our videos with partners and sponsors
  • Guests Sites – people we interview can show our videos on their sites
Many of our videos are freely licensed under the terms or Creative Commons (CC-BY-SA-3).
Learn more about Climate Heroes

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Are you a video producer, cameraperson, director, editor, sound technician, writer, graphic designer, researcher or content expert?

Would you like to volunteer with us to create more videos?

Please email us if you would like to get out the word about climate action.  

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Climate hero Tamra Peters at Resilient Neighborhoods helps people reduce their carbon footprint.

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Young activists Lucy London and Kelley Tillman at Novato High’s Earth Club inspire climate action through art, music and politics.

Young activists Lucy London and Kelley Tillman at Novato High’s Earth Club inspire climate action through art, music and politics.

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Photos by Fabrice Florin, Ben Goode, Al Grumet, Lucy London, MCE and more.

Thanks to all our contributors!