How can we join forces to heal the planet while living a more fulfilling life? 

Learn how we can save our future through human connections — and regenerate ourselves, our communities, and our environment.

Here are simple actions you can take to improve the well-being of all people, all living systems, and the planet we call home. 

Take some of these actions and regenerate our world!


This page was created by members of the Green Change Network and our partners. Thanks to all our contributors!

Editors: Fabrice Florin, Bridget Mazzini

Contributors: Anne-Marie Bonneau, Lily Cohen, Fabrice Florin, Al Grumet, Bridget Mazzini, Marilyn Price, Anne-Christine Strugnell, Sarah Turner

Photo: Mee Ko Dong at Shutterstock and Green Change members

Video (coming soon): Kevin Morrison

To contribute more info or report an error, please email us. We will update this page periodically, based on your feedback.

For more climate actions, visit our Take Action page. Go green with us!

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